

Jenny Wüstenberg Civil Society and Memory in Postwar Germany (Cambridge University Press, 2017).

Edited Publications

‘Locating Transnational Memory: how “unbound” remembrance is embedded in public spaces' editor of a Special Issue of the International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society (accepted for publication in 2019 and in preparation).

Agency in Transnational Memory Politics, edited with Aline Sierp (under contract with Berghahn Publishers)

‘Contesting Memory and Citizenship in Canada,’ Special Issue of Citizenship Studies 2018, edited with Michael Nijhawan and Daphne Winland.

Aline Sierp and Jenny Wüstenberg, eds. ‘Transnational Memory Politics in Europe,’ Special Issue of Journal of Contemporary European Studies (September 2015).

Peer-Reviewed Articles

‘Pluralism in Remembrance? Activism and Governance in German memory politics’ (under review, German Politics).

‘Memory Activism - Building Blocs and Innovations for a New Field’ (article in progress, with Yifat Gutman)

‘Moments of madness and protest cycles in German memory activism’ (completed and accepted for publication in Social Movements and Memory, Stefan Berger, Sean Scalmers, and Christian Wicke (eds.) to be published in 2019 with Routledge Press in the “Remembering the Modern World” series).

‘Introduction: Contesting Memory and Citizenship in Canada’ Special Issue of Citizenship Studies, Vol.22, No.4, June 2018, with Michael Nijhawan and Daphne Winland.

Anamaria Dutceac-Segesten and Jenny Wüstenberg (equal authors) ‘Memory Studies – the State of the Field’ Memory Studies 10(4), October 2017.

Jenny Wüstenberg ‘Vernetztes Gedenken? Netzwerkmethoden und Transnationale Erinnerungsforschung’ Jahrbuch für Politik und Geschichte, Thema: ‘Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskulturen global,’ Band 6 (2016).

Aline Sierp and Jenny Wüstenberg (equal authors) ‘Introduction: Transnational Memory Politics in Europe” – Special Issue of Journal of Contemporary European Studies (September 2015).

Jenny Wüstenberg ‘The struggle for European memory – New contributions to an emerging field’ Comparative European Politics 15 September 2014.

Hannes Hansen-Magnusson and Jenny Wüstenberg (equal authors) ‘Celebrating European Unity? The Forging of European Rituals of Remembrance through Anniversaries’ Politique Européenne, special issue “D’une «mémoire européennne» à l’européanisation de la «mémoire»” No.37, 2012.

Jenny Wüstenberg ‘Transforming Berlin’s Memory: Non-State Actors and GDR Memorial Politics Today’ in Remembering the German Democratic Republic: Divided Memory in a United Germany, edited by David Clarke and Ute Wölfel, Palgrave Macmillan Press, 2011.

Jenny Wüstenberg ‘Vom alternativen Laden zum Dienstleistungsbetrieb: the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt – A Case Study in Activist Memory Politics’ German Studies Review, Vol.32 No.3, October 2009.

Jenny Wüstenberg and David Art ‘Using the Past in the Nazi-Successor States from 1945 to the Present’ in the Annals of the Academy of the Social and Political Sciences, Vol.617, May 2008.

Jenny Wüstenberg ‘Towards a New Kind of Legitimacy? Jan Gross’s Neighbors and Poland’s Reckoning with the Past’ in Central European University Political Science Journal (Graduate Student Review), Vol.2 No.2, April 2007.

Other Publications

Review of Anna Lisa Tota and Trever Hagen ‘Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies’ for special book review symposium in Memory Studies 10(4), October 2017.

'The Purposes of the Memory Studies Association: An Invitation,’ with Jeffrey Olick and Aline Sierp, in Memory Studies 10(4), October 2017

Aline Sierp and Jenny Wüstenberg 'Memory and the Politics of the Past: New Research and Innovation' in EuropeNow, April 2017.

Jenny Wüstenberg ‘When the Field is Home: Conducting Research in One’s Country of Origin’ in the Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section in Comparative Politics, Vol.19 No.2, Summer 2008.

Henrike Lehnguth and Jenny Wüstenberg (equal authors) ‘Developing Global Citizenship: Introducing a Teaching Toolkit’ The Political Science Educator, Vol.11 No.2, December 2006.

Jenny Wüstenberg ‘Review Essay: Berlin’s Changing Memory Landscape – New Scholarship in German and English’ in German Politics & Society, Vol.24 No.2, Summer 2006.

Jenny Wüstenberg ‘Conflicted Memories: Germans Struggle to Adequately Commemorate the East German Dictatorship’ AICGS Advisor (newsletter of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies), August 2006.